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Why Jesus?
In the Garden of Eden, Adam sinned against God. From then on, darkness came into this world, and man became a stranger to and cut off...

Let Christ be formed in your heart.
The Lord Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. Thus, the only way to have the dominion of his life outflow through you, is by receive Him...

We are more than Conquers……!
As the children of Israel were about to enter the promise land, the Lord appeared unto Joshua and said; “No one will be able to stand...

Resist the Devil
Any Army General knows that before going to war, the smartest thing to do would be to study the strength and weakness of the enemy. Know...

The 3 fights every believer must fight
The Bible mentions only 3 types of fight every believer will be engaged in, Satan only has 3 strategies, master these 3, you will beat...

The realm where all things stand finished.
In Numbers 24, Balaam talking about the nation Israel looked at the King of Moab and said, “I will advise you what this people will do to...

3 Phases of God’s Will.
….Prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2. The scriptures show that God has a purpose for each and...

Christ Our Passover Lamb
In Exodus 12:1-11 the Lord instructed that each and every household within the Israelites was to set apart a lamb, this lamb would be one...

Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated (Romans 9:13).
If you study the lives of Jacob and Esau, you will notice the reason why God rejected Esau and chose Jacob over him. The same thing with...

Human beings have 3 lives.
Scripture shows that human life does not start nor end in the earth. Life on earth is a continution of life which began else where. 1....
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