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3 Phases of God’s Will.

….Prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2.

The scriptures show that God has a purpose for each and every human being and a plan of how to get there. His purpose and plan for your life can only begin when you encounter Christ. Nothing of God can work without Jesus, he is the door to everything. “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture” (John 10:9-11).

1. The Good will of God.

In Acts 16:7-9, Paul wanted to go to Bithynia to preach the gospel but the Lord stopped him from going, instead he told him to go to Macedonia. Of course it is the good will of God to have the gospel preached to all man, including those in Bithynia but in this case he stopped Paul from going there. There are things which are good but not necessarily right for you. For example it is good to go to church but God might have a specific church he wants you to go to. If you have all churches are the same attitude, you may miss his plan and visitation for your life. The Lord knows what is right for you, he knows where you can grow best spiritually. The good will of God is usually the lowest way of life, the carnal man and the babe in Christ are usual the 2 groups found in this will. The people here never consult the Holy Spirit, they just do everything by themselves, they never listen to their spirits or ask the Lord what steps to take. They live and behave like unbelievers even though they are Christians

2. The Acceptable will of God.

The Acceptable will happens when one uses the principles of God’s Word to get something from God which is not necessarily God plan for his life. For example if you went on a 7 days prayer and fasting, and pray consistently, standing on Word and declaring the Word over your life for something which is not inline with God’s plan for you, the Lord may be forced to grant that thing even when it is not his plan for you. It is possible to get a miracle you have no business receiving, or a job in a company you are not supposed to be in, a marriage you have no business being in. Why is this so, you may ask. Well the principles of God’s word will always work whether applied in line with his will or not, but when something like this is done, it will end in disaster. If you study the book of first Samuel, the people of Israel told Samuel the Prophet they wanted a kill like other nations. That was not God’s plan for them, his plan was that he would be their King, but they said, “We want a king we can see”. As much as this was not God’s will for them, he helped them with this request, he even helped them choose a king, he sent Samuel to anoint Saul king over Israel. But this did not end well fro them.

3. The Perfect Will of God.

The Perfect will of God is being in God’s place, in God’s time and calender. You find that you are moving with the Spirit of God always, your are operating at his speed and flying with his wings. Life is a joy when one functions under the perfect will of God. If you study the life of Jesus, the man walked so much with the Spirit of God that each and every place he went it would be because the Father said to go, what he did would be what the Father said to do. “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does” (John 5:19). “I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me” (John 8:28). Walking in the perfect will of God comes by relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus spent a lot of his time with the Father before going to the people, at time he would wake up at dawn and go to a mountain to pray, at other times he would tell his disciples to go ahead of him, and he remained behind praying. God’s plan for your life is that you should walk in his perfect will, the first two wills will get you in trouble.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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