Scripture shows that human life does not start nor end in the earth. Life on earth is a continution of life which began else where.
1. Life in the Womb
This is what the LORD says–He who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you … (Isaiah 44:2).
Whilst in the womb, man is a complete spirit, his body might not be fully formed, but his spirit was coiceved the day his mother fell pregnant. The Males sperm is the life giving seed through which a new spirit is created in the womb of a woman.
The life in the womb runs for a period of nine months, and during this period, God can communicate to the spirit of that baby ......"before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:4-5). Notice Jeremiah was appointed in his mother's womb. To appoint means to give someone a job or a role, and such appointment is sealed with contractual agreement. This means both parties must agree, Jeremiah agreed whilst in his mother's womb.
If God can communicate to you when you are still in the womb, it means Satan can also possess or attack people whilst they are still in the womb. This is why some people are born sick, or without eyes or legs, they were attacked by evil spirits whilst in the womb. Someone can be born a male child and acts like a girl, and even have sexual feelings towards boys. The reason someone would be born this way is because something happened in the womb, the enemy messed with the programming in that child before they were born. To come out of it, they will need to be reprogrammed with the Word of God, then they will break free from that spirit of homosexuality.
2. Life on Earth.
This is the life we are accustomed to, it runs from the day man is born to day he dies. Whether you like it or not, you will one day leave this world. Life on earth is a preparation for the next life in eternity. The reason God sent Jesus Christ to die for whole world was so that through him we could be part of his kingdom in the next life. Jesus is the only to heaven, and without him, man is doomed to spend all of eternity in hell. "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture" (John 10:9)
3. Life after Death.
After the ressurection of Jesus, the Bible says he physically lifted from the ground whilst everyone whatched. A man lifted from the ground without any spaceship to take him up, and slowly he went higher and higher until he could not be seen no more. This proved that there is another place called heaven, and there are other beings that live there. Your life will not end when you die, it will begin after death. Heaven is very real, and those that go there are those that received the salvation of Jesus Christ whilst on earth. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Hell is also real, everyone that rejects the salvation of Jesus Christ can never escape this place. If you are not born again today, you are surely going there. It's time to come to Jesus, come now, tomorrow is not promised you. Many have died saying I will do it another day, but they never got to see that day. "And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire "(Revelation 20:13).