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Jesus is the only hope for all creation
Life does not end with this world, this world is a preparation of the life to come. The Bible talks about the world to come, there is...

Join the Jesus Train
A big crowd is following Jesus as he approaches the town of Nain (Luke 7:11-17). Then he met another big crowd going in the opposite...

The Suffering and Victory of Christ
Stage1: My Soul is filled with Sorrow On the night before the crucifixion, Jesus was at the garden of Gethsemane (Mathew 26/Mark 14)...

What manner of Man is this
Throughout the ministry of Jesus, his disciples had been secretly studying him, they wanted to make sure they were following the right...

The Battle of Ages.
1. The beginning of the controversy between Jesus and Satan Long ago, there was a meeting in heaven and in the meeting the Father said...

And The Word became Flesh
Before the creation of the universe Jesus was always one with the Father, that is, they lived in one body. God has one Image (Body) but...

The 3 Rivers of the Anointing
The 3 Rivers of the Anointing 1. First River The first river is called the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit (1John2:27). The...

Fresh oil.
Psalm 92:10...... I shall be anointed with fresh oil. From time to time, God anoints his people with fresh anointing. The anointing...

The fire of the Holy Ghost
When you are on fire, others will come to see you burn. It is not about going from place to place looking for opportunities, become a...

An encounter with the Holy Spirit
There is a place in God of deep intimacy and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Many never get there because of the price, there is a price...
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