Stage1: My Soul is filled with Sorrow On the night before the crucifixion, Jesus was at the garden of Gethsemane (Mathew 26/Mark 14) with his disciples, and whilst they were there, he said My Soul is filled with Sorrow to the point of death. He was in great anguish, and he prayed earnestly until his sweat was like drops of blood. The reason he felt this way was because the sins of the whole world were laid upon him at that particular hour, all the sins of mankind from the time of Adam, were laid on one man, he was feeling all the guilt and pain that comes with sin. It became very difficult to have peace of mind even for a second. Sorrow takes peace, appetite and sleep. Stage 2: The humiliation On Stage 2 we have a deep sorrow, plus closest friends denying the man, plus public humiliation. Its bad enough to have sorrow, how do you now deal with the three at once. Public humiliation included being mocked, smitten, spat upon, and crowned with thorns. One other great risk was that the men he had invested so much on, the leaders he personally trained to teach the whole world the gospel had said they had never seen the man in their lives. His whole mission was running a risk of failure. Stage 3: The Crucifixion and Victory Stage 3 is the combination of sorrow and humiliation, plus terrible pain which followed after the nails were pierced through his hands and feet. Now combine the four, and try to visualize the extent of suffering this man was going through. And now he was on the cross hanging, just when he thought he had seen it all, something he never saw coming happened. The Holy Spirit left him (Matthew 27:46), it is bad enough to have your friends leave at a time when you needed them the most, now the Father is leaving you at a very critical hour. Then he died, and now he had to go face Satan on a combat, no Holy Spirit, no friends, no Angels, he had to go to hades by himself. This might have been discouraging, thoughts of dread might have come upon him, what if I don’t come out of hades, I don’t have Holy Spirit to help me. When he entered hades, he only had one weapon, this weapon was the Word of God in his mouth. He had no choice but to trust that the Word cannot fail, he had to believe the words which were spoken by prophets of old concerning his victory, he had to stand on the Word of light, he had to stand on the scriptures regardless of what he was seeing, he had to trust that the Word of God was living and active. And he arrived in hades, Satan commanded him to bow, but he responded and said it is written, Satan brought another point, again he responded it is written, ……………Khaya. It is written. And you know what happened, he defeated Satan with the Word, He talked his way out of hades. This is how you should deal with Satan, tell him it is written. Find out what is written concerning what you want changed in your life, and respond with the Word. It is written, we are more than conquers, it is written whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, it is written greater is he that is in in me than he that is in the world. Never bow your knee to Satan, tell him what is written.