The 3 Rivers of the Anointing 1. First River The first river is called the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit (1John2:27). The moment you are baptised with the Holy Spirit, he anoints you with his person, the anointing of his person is released into your inner most being. Your spirit and the Holy Spirit become one ( 1Corn6:17). The anointing of this first river is dependent on your fellowship with him, through prayer and study of the scriptures. The more you fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the more you will see the working of this anointing. Rivers under this anointing, include faith, love, understanding of the scriptures, revelation knowledge, wisdom, and a whole lot of other Rivers. 2. Second River The second River is called the anointing which comes upon (Acts 1:8). This anointing is for service, and from it proceeds many other rivers. Under this river you will find other rivers like the nine gifts of the Spirit together with the five fold ministry in operation.The anointing under this river comes upon when you are doing service for the Lord, and after you are done it lifts. This is the anointing for office, the anointing for living is the first river. This anointing is what came upon Samson and he became a different man. This anointing is also dangerous, if a man cannot handle it. Samson could not handle it, Saul could not handle it. The success of this anointing is based on the first river, this means you must maintain fellowship with the Holy Spirit, otherwise this anointing will destroy you. When a man of God is being used under the second river, he still has to maintain the first River, otherwise he will collapse. The first river is more important than the second river, the first river is a relationship, whilst the second river is power. 3. The third River The third river is the anointing for kingship (1Samuel16:12). This anointing is a promotion from the second river. On the second river the anointing comes upon and it lifts after you are finished with whatever you are doing. But there comes a time when God trusts you with second river, and he gives it to you to regulate and use it anytime you want. Depending on how you handle the first and the second river, God can give you this anointing to stay. When you are operating on the second river, its God who decides and regulates the gifts, but when you are promoted to the third river, he gives you control. If you are faithful with this river, God will keep increasing the level of the anointing in your life, the more you remain faithful the more the increase