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And The Word became Flesh

Before the creation of the universe Jesus was always one with the Father, that is, they lived in one body. God has one Image (Body) but in it is three Persons. The voice which spoke during creation proceeded from the Image who sat on the Throne, this Image is the same who appeared to the patriarchs and the prophets of old. The same Image who spoke in the days past, is the Word which became Flesh, he is the same one who visited our planet and was called Jesus.God the Father plans all things in the Godhead, and the Son who is the express Image of the Father speaks or makes audible the mind of the Father and the Holy Spirit brings into being the words of the Son. Jesus is called the Word because he is the Voice which speaks the mind of the Father and that Voice is the express image of God, the same Image who is seated on the Throne. You can only see God by looking at his express Image, and that Image is Jesus. People cannot see the inner you but by looking at your express image they can tell the kind of a person you are. When we look at Jesus we can tell how God is like. The Father created(in his mind) the world, the Son spoke the creation into being and the Holy Spirit brought the words of the Son into manifestation. When Jesus came to our world, he stepped down from the Throne of Majesty, this means the Image who was always seated on the Throne came to earth, the one who spoke everything into being humbled himself and took the form of a man. Now don't think that the Throne was left empty when Jesus came down to Earth, yes God has one Image(form), but the Image is Omnipresent. When Jesus left the throne, the exact image was still sitting on the Throne as if he never left, think about it, you are seated on a chair and you decide to stand up to go somewhere and when you look at the chair, there is another you still sitting. The Bible talks about one Throne, One Image of God and three operations of his Personality. Now you may be thinking, what Image is the Holy Spirit, well he bears the same Image as Jesus, and the Father. The Holy Spirit is another Comforter who is exactly like Jesus, he was sent to continue the works of Jesus. He does not speak of himself, he only speaks the words of Jesus and does the works of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is Jesus unlimited, the same Jesus is still with us through the Holy Spirit


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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