A big crowd is following Jesus as he approaches the town of Nain (Luke 7:11-17). Then he met another big crowd going in the opposite direction. The Nain crowd had death at its head, the corpse of a young man, and the whole town had turned out distressed for the mother, a widow, weeping and demonstrating as only easterners can. But the crowd with Jesus had him, the Resurrection and the Life, at its head and it was jubilant. This was a group of excited folk. Hundreds of them had been at death’s door, sick, deaf, blind or crippled, and now they were healthy, the deaf hearing, the blind seeing and the cripples dancing – all gladly following for miles to Nain. The two crowds stand for two streams of humanity, which are still moving along today – in opposite directions! One has no future but the grave, and the other is led by Christ who said, “Whoever believes in me will never die” (John 11:26). And Jesus beckons us to join His train today, rejoicing in Him – just Him! Come on, let’s do it. God bless you.