Throughout the ministry of Jesus, his disciples had been secretly studying him, they wanted to make sure they were following the right leader not just a deception. When he taught, his words carried resurrection life, people were strengthened and encouraged, secretly they thought he must be a teacher from God, and they called him Master. As they observed his healing ministry, they noticed the deaf could hear, the lame could walk, the dumb spoke and they thought maybe he is healer sent from God. When they heard him talk of the coming future, they thought maybe he is also a prophet. When they saw him walk on the water, they didn’t know what else to call him, they were now running out of explanations. This time they remained silent, pondering on what they had just witnessed. One Day they were travelling on a ship at night and there arose a great storm of wind and waves beat into the ship, they tried everything they could to save the ship and realizing that they were about to perish with the ship, suddenly they remembered that Jesus was asleep in the same ship, and quickly they woke him up and said Master carest thou not that we perish, and Jesus arose and rebuked the winds, he said peace be still. And there was great calm. When they saw this, they broke their silence and said what manner of man is this, that the wind and the sea obey him. What kind of human being is this, we have read about Moses, Elijah, Elisha, but we have never seen anything like this. What manner of man is this Jesus. Slowly it was sinking in that he was more than a healer, more than a teacher, more than a Prophet. Could this be God, they started thinking, could this be the great I AM. Could it be that we have seen God, talked to him, ate with him and yet we did not know it.