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The Mark Of The Beast Is Here
A tiny chip will be implanted inside the human body which will send and receive radio messages, this chip will be used to identify the...

Understanding the times we live in.
J Jesus said that the generation which would see the rebirth of Israel would see his second coming (Mat24:34). A generation to God is a...

The new world order.
Obama Will Seek Controlling Position in the United Nations!!!!!!!“2017 is a milestone year with the beginning of a new major season in...

Niville Johnson prophecy 2014
When I was praying on the day of atonement this year (recorded in 2014) I had a visitation from Joseph. He spoke to me about the coming...

End time prophecy: The Invasion of Israel
Satan still believes he will stop the second coming of Jesus, how ambitious.....! Somehow he thinks he will defeat God so delusional is...

The global economic collapse.
The Bible shows that the economies of this world will collapse just before the second coming of Jesus. Right now, Europe is in trouble,...

The One Thousand years of Christ's Reign on Earth
The second coming of Christ will mark the beginning of a new era in the eternal plan of God for the world. Some people dont like it when...

The Last Sign which will herald the Second Coming of Jesus
Every Other sign which Jesus said would happen before his second coming has already happened. There is only one last sign which will...

The Glory of the Latter House.
Haggai 2:9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts. We are living at time when...

Genetic Reprogramming
During the days of Noah there was a group of Angels which had sexual relations with human beings and corrupted the human DNA with which...
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