The Bible shows that the economies of this world will collapse just before the second coming of Jesus. Right now, Europe is in trouble, the only nation holding them together is Germany. What do you think was the reason for brixit , the British are aware of the coming trouble, so they left the European Union . America is also in trouble, their government is under trillions of dollars worth of debt and according to most economists they will not be able to recover, they are headed for collapse. One day people will wake up to the news that something happened overnight with markets and all their investments and savings have been lost in the process. When destruction comes it comes suddenly, everything will be going well on the outside and suddenly destruction strikes. Businesses will fall, people will loose their jobs, homes, and properties. All this will set the perfect stage for the Antichrist to begin his reign. He will be like a superhero who people will trust to solve the economic problems of the world. Money as we know it is coming to an end, we are stepping into a cashless society. The financial institutions of this world have already proved to us in 2008, that they can easily fall. Banks and insurance companies are the worst places you can invest your money, in fact these two are the biggest thieves in our society, they rip people off legally. Lay up your treasures in heaven. The Antichrist is getting ready to get humanity to worship him as God, Barrack Obama and the Pope, are going to fulfill the prophecy of the two beasts written in the book of Revelations. But God being a Master Tactician, is also raising his own Josephs to challenge the new system of the beast. The ministry of Joseph will come forth from different places in the world. These Josephs will be anointed for money, just like the Joseph in the Bible, these ones will preserve the people of God during the reign of the beast . The beast will require everyone to receive the number 666, in order to buy or sell but the Josephs will have another economic system in operation to challenge that of the beast. Time will be delayed no longer, repent and believe the gospel