Jesus said that the generation which would see the rebirth of Israel would see his second coming (Mat24:34). A generation to God is a period of hundred years (Gen15:13-16), the rebirth of Israel was in 1948, so take the year 2018 minus 1948 this will give you 70 years.
We are the generation which will see the second coming of Christ. 100-70=30 Years, thats how much time we could be having before the coming of Christ, 31 years. Niville Johnson of Australia recently received a visitation from the Lord Jesus, in the vision Jesus said Israel as a nation will be celebrating a jubilee from 2017, and this Jubilee will be the last one. When Niville asked why was this so, Jesus said because I will be back before there can be another jubilee. A jubilee is celebrated after 50 years, so if this is the last jubilee, this means we dont have another 50 years. This vision from Niville is in line with the 1948 prophecy. some of you will not taste death, some of you will not see your grand children. some of the roads you are walking may be the last time you see them, you are seeing some people for the last time. I understand that Jesus said no man knows the hour of his coming, but he did not say the year. If you study prophecy carefully, you will know for sure that we only have few years left。if you are not born again this is the time, playing and partying time is over。 This is not the time to be clubbing all night, this is the time to come to the Lord. if you are born again, this is not the time to fall back to the world, get serious in the things of God......Shalom