Satan still believes he will stop the second coming of Jesus, how ambitious.....! Somehow he thinks he will defeat God so delusional is this fallen one. His plan to stop Jesus from coming back involves wiping off the Jews from the face of the earth. When Jesus comes back, he will land in Israel, so to wipe off the Jews will stop the prophecy from being fulfilled. Once the Antichrist takes his seat, he will go after the Jews. In order to do this he will first have to naturalise the United States. Right now the USA is protecting the Jews, the reason the Islamic nations around Israel haven't attacked them is because they are afraid of the United States. What Hitler did to the Jews will be like child's play compared to what the Antichrist is going to do. This guy will attack Israel, this will be worse than anything the Jews have ever experienced, the time of Jacob's trouble. The only way God can defend Israel is if the Christians are praying. Angel Michael has been tasked with protecting the Jewish nation, but he can do nothing without our prayers. Satan will be bringing high ranking demonic forces to this war, and we need to intercede for Israel. This is not just a natural war, it is a spiritual war and we need spiritual trained fighters to defend Israel, we are those people to challenge the Antichrist.keep watching the news, you will see these events. The end of days are before our eyes, all the prophecies are being fulfilled in our time. Wake up people, the second coming of Jesus is here. Are you ready for the King , for time will be delayed no longer.