The second coming of Christ will mark the beginning of a new era in the eternal plan of God for the world. Some people dont like it when we talk about the second coming of Christ, but guys Jesus is not coming back to destroy your life, he is coming to make it better. I don't understand why anyone should be angry at someone who is coming to make the world a better place. The only thing he requires from us is to accept his salvation, and we will be part of the one thousand year government. He made it easy for us, I mean it takes less than a minute to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savoir, no hard work is required. It is more simple to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savoir than it is to go to hell, yet some people are determined to reject this free gift of salvation, they rather burn in hell for eternity. We don't have 10 years before the rapture of the Church, I Said this last week and I received a lot of criticism and insults for it, but I will not change this, the cut off period is 2021, the tribulation period will begin in 2022, second coming of Christ will happen before 2030. We have 4 years before it will become difficult to buy and sell. When the rapture takes place many Christians will be left behind, this means they will have to go through the tribulation period. When this happens just do all you can to survive the seven years tribulation, and refuse to take the mark of the beast then you will be part of the one thousand year government. Missing the rapture does not mean you are doomed to go to hell, it only means you will have to endure the tribulation because you were not ready When the rapture took place. If you are raptured before the tribulation period,happy are you.