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Niville Johnson prophecy 2014

When I was praying on the day of atonement this year (recorded in 2014) I had a visitation from Joseph. He spoke to me about the coming seven years. He told me that there would be seven years left before it would become difficult to buy or sell or do any of those things.We have seven good years ahead. They will be difficult years because things have been going crazy in this world, but for those who are following the Lord and reaching into Him they are going to be good years. He’s going to raise up a people who will be just like him in the earth. He said three words: shaken, exposure, and transfer.He gave me some scriptures concerning how things will be shaken. (Haggai 2:6-9) Haggai prophesied the very day that you and I are living in today. Isn’t that incredible? Thousands of years ago he prophesied these things.God is going to shake every nation. There is going to be shaking in the financial systems of the nations, and that is very close now, where the financial systems of the world are going to be dramatically shaken. There is also going to be exposure. People in high places are going to be exposed. People in ministry who are not really walking with God are going to be exposed. That is going to happen. God is going to clean up the church. He is going to shake everything that can be shaken. Then Joseph said transfer. There is going to be a transfer of wealth to those in the kingdom of God who can righteously handle it. He said those three things to me. At the same time, Joseph said to me these seven years will see the greatest harvest that the world has ever seen. In the midst of difficult times, trouble and difficult times, the greatest harvest the world has ever seen is going to start to be reaped. So these are exciting times. You see, the feast of tabernacles is a feast of harvest. It was at the end of the year during the feast of tabernacles that they’ve brought in the harvest, the final harvest. And this is opening up to us now. This is going to happen


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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