Every Other sign which Jesus said would happen before his second coming has already happened. There is only one last sign which will herald the coming of Jesus, the Bible called it, the great tribulation. The great tribulation will be the last shaking, it will be like nothing the world has ever experienced or seen before the creation of the world (Matthew 24:21). Two things will precede the great tribulation, the first will be the global economic collapse, the second will be the last outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The global economic collapse will be the shaking of the financial systems, a global collapse of man made system. In the last outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we are going to see a mighty move of the Spirit like never before, a great harvest of souls will be brought into the Kingdom of God. The global economic collapse will open a door for the great harvest, because people will be forced to turn to God, when everything they had believed in fails before their eyes. Man will finally realize that there is no other name under heaven by which they can be saved but the name of Jesus. And Lastly the Anti Christ will be revealed, and start persecuting those who will be preaching the gospel to try and stop the last harvest. Many will be killed for the name of Jesus. All these things will happen suddenly, when we think not, so quick and so fast. Kwala na Kwala.