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The Encryption of Christ.
In Genesis 3:15 the Lord speaking to the serpent said; I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers;...

3 Reasons that prove the Bible came from God
First of all the Bible was written by different writers, most of which never met each other, they lived in different ages. Some books...

The Way.
According to the scriptures Jesus was on the cross for 6 hours, the bible says around 3pm he shouted with a loud voice saying; “My God,...

The Astral World.
Hebrews 11:3 says, through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, notice it says “worlds” and not world,...

Heaven & Hell are Very Real.
Life doesn't stop at death, it begins there, death simply means moving from the earth dimension to the spiritual dimension. At death one...

Faith & Science.
Anything that can be felt, touched, seen is not real, it is only a simulation of reality. The world as man knows it, is not exactly how...

The Salvation Of Jesus Christ.
To say that all religions lead to one God is to deceive yourself, there never was, nor will there ever be, any other way to God outside...

True Wisdom.
Wisdom is the ability to access knowledge from higher realms with your spirit, transmit that knowledge to your mind and apply it to your...

The True Meaning of Christianity.
Jesus didn't die for the Christians, he died for sinners. The Christian is a new creature who doesn't need anyone to die for him. 2...

The 2 Men
1. The Natural Man. The natural man measures life with his 5 senses, and walks according to his human intellect. He is spiritually dead...
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