1. The Natural Man.
The natural man measures life with his 5 senses, and walks according to his human intellect. He is spiritually dead and thinks that what he knows is all there is. What man sees with his senses is not truth (reality), he might touch it, smell it, taste it and feel it, but it ain't real. 2 Corinthians 4:18 says,...the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Hebrews 11:3 says, the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Truth is spiritual, it is the original source material from where the material world came from. What you see with your senses is temporal, meaning it is subject to change, but truth does not change. If you apply a higher spiritual law to the law that brought what you can see into being, it will change it.Science says Matter can change form from one state to another if cooled or heated, even science proved that physical things ain't real.
2. The Spiritual Man.
After Adam sinned at the garden, he died two deaths, first he died spiritually, and then physically. The spiritual death meant that he lost touch with reality, prior to this his spiritual senses were more active than his natural senses. He related more with truth than with physical things, he controlled physical things with higher laws. This is why God sent Jesus, so that he could restore man back to his original self. Man was created to operate from the realm of the spirit, and to relate with his world from that realm. When you get born again, the spiritual sight which Adam lost, is restored back to you through Jesus Christ. You now see and operate like the original creation that God intended you to be. The spiritual man evaluates and scrutinize everything with his spirit. He discerns all things spiritually ( 1 Corinthians 2:15 ). He has understood that no fruit exists independently, every fruit came from a tree which came from a root, and to deal with the fruit, he must first deal with root.