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Heaven & Hell are Very Real.

Life doesn't stop at death, it begins there, death simply means moving from the earth dimension to the spiritual dimension. At death one comes out of the body and goes to another world. There is a physical body and a spiritual body, the physical of course is your legal document which you use to function here, once the body fails, you have no more right to function here. The spiritual body is another legal document in the spiritual dimension which determines weather you'll go to heaven or hell. Everyone that is born again has a new spiritual body recreated in the image of Christ, such a person immediately is surrounded by angels at death to escort him to heaven. The one who did not receive the salvation of Jesus Christ has a deformed spiritual body in the image of the first Adam, such a person is immediately surrounded by demons at death to escort him into hell.

All the churches belong to Jesus Christ, even though some leaders seem to have forgotten that. A leader who doesn't care to do things the way God said to do them doesn't mean there is no God. The church is the body of Christ established by God as a way to reach out to humanity, we are sent to the world by God to call man unto salvation. Churches might differ in doctrines, but that doesn't matter, one day, we will all come to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Don't let your human intelligence fool you and think there is no God, there is so much proof that indeed there is a God. If you think you are too smart than the rest of us who believe there is God, and you think we are fools for believing that, then use your wisdom to search for truth, you'll discover that you are wrong.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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