Hebrews 11:3 says, through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, notice it says “worlds” and not world, meaning there is more than one world. The word “frame” in this verse is talking about a structure of how something should look like before it is physically created. Before our material body was made, our “frame” or astral form was created first. Genesis 1:27 says; God created man in his own image, Genesis 2:7 says; God formed man from the dust of the ground. Adam was first framed before he became a physical being, he was framed in the mind of God. He first existed inside God before he could have a body of his own.
The Astral world is a realm where the “imaginations” of men are a reality. When God destroyed the world with the flood during the time of Noah, it was not only because man’s evil acts, it was primarily because of what man had framed in his astral world. Genesis 6:5 says; God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. He looked into man’s astral world and saw the future of mankind, and it was not pretty, this future did not come from God but from what man had created in his own mind, of course with Satan’s influence.
When demons want to promote wicked agendas on the earth, they cannot do it without man, they first instill their ideas into man’s subconscious thoughts, so that man can create that reality into his world. Satan is in-charge of television, internet, radio, newspapers, music industry, and with these he influences man’s astral worlds. Whatever you see in the world came from the astral world, whether it’s a tsunami or earthquake, house, money, job, marriage, clothes, poverty, sickness, death etc. All physical matter has its astral form before its physical form, made up of astral elements. God sent Jesus to teach man about these things, but they killed him and said we don’t care and Satan is using their ignorance to his advantage. Human beings are not even suppose to die, but they have created death in their astral world.