Wisdom is the ability to access knowledge from higher realms with your spirit, transmit that knowledge to your mind and apply it to your world. All the scientific, medical, technological breakthroughs came through men who knew how to play with their minds, they accessed the infinite wisdom which is not available to the ordinary minds. Take a look at microsoft, google, facebook, apple, amazon, these are companies which came through wisdom, their founders searched within themselves and came up with ideas which were not available to the everyday minds.
All the wisdom that man has ever tap-into is only a fraction of what the Lord Jesus is. Solomon was called the wisest man that ever lived, but when Jesus came on the scene, he said a greater than Solomon is here (Luke 11:31). Jesus was not a wise man, he was wisdom itself, the former is a fraction, the latter is the whole batch. Colossians 2:3 says, Christ is the embodiment of all wisdom and truth. To find Jesus means you have found truth (reality) and wisdom, he is the answer to every human cry. It doesn't matter what happens with the world economies, wisdom will show you how to make more money than your government. Job 22:29 says; When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up. The problems of the world are for our uplifting, when they announce, no jobs, no business, no money, you must shout hallelujah, because that's your time to make more money than you've ever made.