Anything that can be felt, touched, seen is not real, it is only a simulation of reality. The world as man knows it, is not exactly how it looks, man sees only what his brain interprets back to him and the brain interprets simulated events.Take for example a piece of furniture, man will call it real because he can see, touch and feel it, but if you put that same thing into a burning fire, it would disappear or go back to where it came from. True reality is not that furniture that was seen, it is the original source material from where it came from. It came from somebody's mind, it was first an idea before it became furniture.
Science says Matter and energy are interconvertible, a piece of furniture is Matter, the idea behind the furniture is energy. When matter is destroyed it is converted back to energy, but energy according to science cannot be destroyed. Human beings look at Matter and call reality. Faith according to the Bible is calling real what cannot be seen, felt or touched. Your idea of a chair is more real than the chair you are seating on. Where you are today, is where you have been, where you'll be tomorrow is where you are now. All the answers man is searching for are not around him, they are in him in the form of energy, and God is saying stop looking at matter,look inside yourself.