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Solution oriented
Between you and anything you want to accomplish, there will always be problems or obstacles of some kind. In the area of problems and...

Shining In His Glory
In Revelation 4:7 the Bible talks about four living creatures before the Throne of God Almighty, day and night they never stop saying...

Get things Done.
1. Get clear goals When you decide exactly what it is you want, you release the energy which will cause you to begin moving forcefully...

Life in fourth dimension
The first dimension is controlled by the second dimension, and the second by the third, and the third by the fourth. Genesis 1:2 is an...

Casting Down Imaginations
The images you continually play in your mind will soon manifest in the physical. Any picture you hold in your mind for a lengthy period...

Pulling Down Of Strong Holds
Strongholds are thoughts and reasonings which have governed someone’s mind over a long period of time. These strongholds will always...
The Battle of Ages.
Lucifer lived in Eden before Adam and Eve, He was a mediator between God and the pre-adamic race which lived in the earth. “You were in...

What We Wrestle Against
Satan has a well structured kingdom, which is working to destroy the lives of human beings. Nothing happens by accident, there are...

Not Of This World:
In the book of Genesis, we see how God formed Adam, the first man, from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils to...

War in the Second Heaven
Anything that is happening within the scope of time is not real. What you are seeing in your life at this very hour is not what is actual...
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