The first dimension is controlled by the second dimension, and the second by the third, and the third by the fourth. Genesis 1:2 is an example of a higher dimension controlling what happens in the lower dimension, it says, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” The chaotic earth belongs in the third dimension, this is a dimension of physical and tangible things. The Spirit who moved upon the face of the Waters belongs in the fourth dimension, which is also called the dimension of the unseen realities. As the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep, he was brooding over the earth, which means for the physical earth to be created it required a brooding in the fourth Dimension.
Everything was created beautiful and wonderful by the brooding of the fourth dimension. Every human being is a spiritual being as well as a physical being, Man operates in the fourth dimension as well as in the third dimension. Through playing with the power of the imagination and of words man is able to brood over the third dimension. The fourth dimension has power over the third dimension, and the human spirit, has the power to give order and creation. God gave power to human beings to control the material world and to have dominion over material things, a responsibility they can carry out through the fourth dimension. All manner of Miraculous healings, witchcraft, magic, fortune telling, comes as result of man having learned to play with the fourth dimension. You can only defeat a witch in the fourth dimension. Prayer, talking the Word, seeing things with the eye of faith is operating in the fourth dimension..