Your outer world corresponds to your inner world. What happens to you depends to a great degree on what is happening inside you. Your external experience is a reflection of your internal thought patterns. Over time, you create in your life the mental equivalent of your innermost convictions about yourself and what is possible for you. Everything you become and accomplish is determined by the way you think. Human beings are programmed machines, they will always act in line with the software installed in their minds, you do what you do because of what is in you, to change the way you are you must change the programming which is installed in your mind.
Your self-concept is your bundle of beliefs about yourself and about every part of your life and your world. Your beliefs determine your reality, you’ll always see the world through the screens of your belief structure. Your self concept precedes your performance and behavior in every area of your life. You’ll always act in a manner consistent with your self concept, and your life is a result of your actions. Rich or poor, fat or thin, happy or unhappy, your belief system made you this way. If you begin to change your belief system in any area, you begin to change that area. In Romans 12:2, the Bible tells us to study and meditate on the Word of God so that we can change our belief system and install a new one from heaven. What human beings call culture, tradition, customs are things which were installed in their minds from the previous generation. The future is not a mystery, it is within. Shalom…….!