1.The first Dimension.
The first dimension is like water vapor, this is water in its gaseous state. In this dimension life is like shapeless floating mist. This dimension is the spirit realm, it is where all life originated. Everything that happens in the material world originated from this dimension. Hebrew 11:3 says, the things which are seen were made from the invisible things.
2. The Second Dimension.
In the Second dimension water changes from its gaseous state to liquid. The first dimension is like a mist of energy floating in its shapeless form, in the second dimension the energy is organised into different shapes. This Dimension is the soul realm of man, it is where the imaginations of men are a reality yet invisible. Human being release energy in 4 major ways, these are emotions, actions, thoughts & words. When these 4 are in harmony, the mist in the spirit realm will take the shape according to their congruency.
3. The third Dimension.
This is the physical dimension or the material world where everyday people live. In this dimension, the water vapor which first became liquid changes its form to solid ice. Matter according to science exists in 3 forms which are solid, liquid and gas, if science calls real the mist which cannot be touched, why would anyone argue when God calls real the things which man has not yet seen or touched. Romans 4:17 says, God calls the things which are not as though they were, this is because he knows that physical things come from spiritual things. Whatever you are looking for exist and it is yours now, all you need to do is to convert mist to liquid and to solid through the congruency of your emotions, actions, words & thoughts. You must talk, act, feel & think as though you were already in possession of what you are looking for. Faith is living in your dreams today, you call that which is not visible real and yours in the now, then water vapor will become ice. What we call tomorrow is not in tomorrow, it is within.