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Prince of power with God.

The Bible says God cannot lie, if he said to a dog; you are a cat, it will suddenly turn into a cat. When he speaks things become, his Word is final, he said to darkness; light be and the same darkness turned into light (Genesis 1:3). One day he appeared to Abram, and taught him a secret of how man can receive anything from God. Abram had longed to have a child of his own, but his wife was barren, so God appears to him and say; No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations (Genesis 17:5). Notice he didn’t come carrying babies from heaven, he only spoke words.

Because he cannot lie and what he says becomes, Abraham became what God said. Secondly, Abraham began calling himself what God called him. Here is the secret, words carry energy, and science tells us that energy is convertible to matter, that means every material thing was first energy then converted to matter. Every time that Abraham said; I’m a father of many whilst he remained fatherless, energy was being released through words and it was building up to form one super power which would convert into a physical baby.

The Jewish nation we see today came from the line of Abraham, they are energy converted to matter. Same principle was given to us in 1 Corinthians 2:12, which says; God has freely given us all things, in verse 13 it says, we ought to speak these things. This is letting us know that everything is energy, whenever you talk, something is being released, you might not see the effect immediately, but one day, you will reap what you sow. If you are weak for example don’t waste time asking God for strength, just say I am strong and every organ in your body will respond. Whatever you are looking for, call it by name. I am strong, I am full of love, I am patient, I am humble, I am faithful, I am full of joy & peace, I am healthy and strong, I am intelligent & smart, I am a Billionaire, I have properties and land all over the world, my enemies bow down to me, kings are serving me, I’m victor forever, I will never be a failure, I refuse to be poor, I refuse to be broke, I’m fulfilling God’s plan for my life, I am what God says I am, I rule over the system of this world, I’m the head and not the tail, I’m above only.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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