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Frame Your World.

When God wants to create something, he imagines it and it comes into being. The Bible tells us that man was created in God’s image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27), in his image means to look like him, and in his likeness means to function like him. Your imagination is your creative ability, the things which you see in your mind is the substance of things hoped, and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Every time that you are thinking you are creating, when you see the end of a matter before it happens, you have willed all the forces, all the resources and people that are consistent with bringing that matter to pass.

Prayer is presenting the new world which you have created within yourself before the Holy Spirit. The reason God told us to continually renew our minds with his Word is so that we can create worlds which are consistent with his vision for us. True he has plans for us, but such plans can only be fulfilled when we first know about them, then create them in our minds or see ourselves as he has seen us, and pray about them or present them before the Spirit. The Holy Spirit goes on our behalf to places beyond our physical influence, and organizes the right situations, circumstances, events and people to ensure that the things we have framed in our spirits are brought to pass. Why do you think Satan is so interested in Media & Television? He knows that through these vehicles he can control public opinion and get people to create worlds which are consistent with his vision. Most of the TV shows, dramas, soapies are not the right educational tools for society, they are nonsense, and they are teaching our kids to be like that. This is why in these last days God has transferred wealth and riches to his churches so that we can preach the gospel on tv, internet, radio, and influence public opinion with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Serpent shall not prevail, we are winning.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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