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A Fellowship with Jesus.

When a man gets born again the first thing that will happen with him is that, he will suddenly start calling God his father, this becomes automatic without one consciously thinking it. If you have a hard time calling him father chances are; you are not born again, for the Bible says, “by the Holy Spirit we cry, Abba, Father (Romans 8:15), verse 16 says; The Spirit himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. You calling him father is proof that you are born again and that the Holy Spirit lives inside you.

Secondly, as one grows in the things of the spirit, he will graduates to another revelation of God, gradually he will be introduced to the Holy Spirit. This will bring about an understanding that all the work of God is through the Holy Spirit, and without him we can never have a living relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is the intersection point between heaven and earth, he brings God to man and takes man to God.

Thirdly, as one further progresses spiritually, he'll come to the highest revelation of Christianity which is knowing the Lord Jesus. To know Jesus is by revelation, the mind does not have the capacity to comprehend the living Christ. God the Father has always been pointing us to Jesus, all this time he has been saying behold my Son. The whole Bible is the encryption of Christ, in Genesis he is the seed of the woman, Exodus he is the pass over lamb, in Ruth he is our Kinsman Redeemer, in kings he is the King of Kings, in Psalms he is our Shepherd, in Isaiah the prince of peace, in Daniel the fourth man, in Zachariah the fountain of life, in Mark the Servant, in John the Son of God, in Acts the savior of the world, in Revelation the soon coming King.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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