The Lord Jesus Christ has done everything necessary to ensure that each and every human being lives a blissful life in this world. However, it will not happen just because it is so. There are principles we must apply to appropriate God's blessings into our lives. This is where the Word of God comes in. Acts 29:32, gives us two things that the Word can do in our lives. It says; "Now brethren, I commend you to God and to the Word of his grace, which able to build you up and give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified."
The first thing the Word will do in your life, is to build your spirit strong and secondly to deliver God's blessings to you. Knowledge of the Word is what will deliver his blessings to your hands. Human beings are creative beings, the knowledge programmed in our spirits will manifest through things in our lives. Your spirit created the situations and circumstances of your life, through the information programmed in you. Jesus said a good man, out of the good treasures of his heart, brings forth good things (Luke 6:45). These treasures is what you have programmed in your spirit, and the good things is what came out as the result. God holds you responsible for what you do with your life, and if you are still blaming other people for your mess, God doesn't see it that way. It is your mess, fix it. Program yourself with the Word and produce the life of God in your life.