God’s Word contains all of his wisdom, power, knowledge, ability, provisions, thoughts and his personality. The Word reveals his will, plan and purpose to man, its content has the ability and power to build God’s image into the life of the hearers. The Word is the embodiment of Christ revelations and perfections and by listening to what it says, it will produce in one’s life the life of Christ. Satan himself knows the power of the Word, when he tempted Jesus (Mathew 4), the Lord always responded with a scripture, and Satan didn’t even try to argue. When you use the Word against him, it doesn’t matter what he brings to the table, he is sure to loose that fight. Peter testified about being an eye witness of the Lord Jesus, he had touched the man with his bare hands, he ate with him, spoke with him face to face (2 Peter 1:16-19).
In verse 19 he wrote; having seen and heard all these things, the written Word is a more sure Word of prophecy, than all these experiences. In order words, the written scriptures about the Messiah were more true compared to what he had seen, felt, touched in the person of Jesus. By this, he was trying to communicate a thought to the readers, that we should trust the Word more than anything and that anything that can been seen through the senses is a lesser truth compared to what we cannot see.
If a prophet was to come among us and tell us things which are not consistent with the scriptures, it doesn’t matter how spiritual he may look, or how many visions he has seen, we should reject such prophecies. Even if an angel from heaven came to you and gave you a message which is not consistent with the scriptures, reject that message, it cannot be from God. If the Lord himself spoke to you, if what he told you is not consistent with the scriptures, don’t accept it, because that is another Jesus, the true one will not contradict his Word. You can only know and relate with God by the Word, and through the Word. Blessed is the man whose council the Word is, and whose delight the Word is, for he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.