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Manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

When an individual accepts Christ as a personal Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live within him spiritually. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is when God takes up permanent residence in the body of a believer in Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit is in you, these manifestations will confirm his presence in you.

1. Speaking in Tongues- This is a supernatural language imparted into our spirits by the Holy Spirit which enables us to utter mysteries our minds cannot comprehend. With this language you speak directly to God from your spirit, you bypass the mind. (Acts 2:4, Mark 16:17).

2. Holy Laughter- this experience comes when the Holy Spirit takes over your emotions. You suddenly begin to laugh; it comes on its own. This acts as a sign of victory over something you had been praying for. (Acts 13:52, Gen 17:17, psalms 2:4 Luke 10:21).

3. Singing in the Spirit- This experience comes when the Holy Ghost gives you songs in other tongues, these are heavenly songs, composed the the Lord himself. You begin singing in tongues, and as you sing, interpretation will come to your mind. (1 Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19).

4. Drunk in the Spirit- This experience can make one walk and talk like a drunk man, it is the Holy Spirit taking over your body. ( John 7:37-38)

5. Quaking and Shaking- During prayer or worship the anointing of God may come upon you and your body will begin to shake and quake. Exodus 19:18 says mount Sinai quaked and trembled because of the presence of the Lord.

6. Falling under the power in the Spirit- When the power of God comes upon us, that encounter will cause you to fall down. The reason we fall is because the flesh cannot contain the power of God. This happens mostly through the laying of hands.

7. Visions- it takes the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes and you begin to know and relate with the spiritual realm. The visions are for the purpose of revealing the mysteries of God to you ( Acts 2:17)


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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