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Heaven, Hell and the After Life.

When a spirit departs from the physical body at death it remains at the same spiritual level as it was when it died, it retains the same character. Just because somebody is dead does not mean they suddenly became all powerful or all knowing. A scriptural example of this is that of Abraham and Lazarus, Abraham died a rich man, he was still a rich man in heaven, Lazarus died a poor man, he was an ordinary man in heaven (Luke 16). The Bible says Lazarus was staying in Abraham’s Bosom in heaven, Lazarus did not suddenly become greater than Abraham. To those who are worshiping their ancestors and think the dead people will open doors for them, well, if they could not open doors for themselves whilst they were alive, how in the world will they be able to open a door for anyone else. Those people are still the way they were when they died, they don’t have power, they don’t have nothing, zero, Nada……..!

At death, spirits come out of their physical body, and immediately enter the spiritual world. The spirits who did not prepare themselves for the afterlife whilst on earth, get confused when they enter the spirit world, most of them don’t know they are dead, they think they are in a dream, some of these spirits are still attached to their earthly life, and they don’t want to accept that they are dead. The spirits who lived on the earth without a relationship with Christ, are immediately surrounded by dark spirits at death, which pull them down to the underworld (hell), where there are other spirits like them. Anyone that is not born again or does not have the Spirit of God in them, is spiritually surrounded by darkness, and will attract dark spirits in the afterlife. However, the spirits who have a relationship with Jesus Christ (Christians), when they pass on, they are immediately surrounded by light and by angels.

The light of God within their spirits and minds attract angels, which come to help them ascend into heaven. After physical death, all spirits are taken into a temporal place, from that place they are separated by either light or darkness, each spirit will go through a different tunnel, either of darkness or of light. All this happens within a matter of seconds, it does not matter how many spirits are there, they are sorted within seconds and taken to their final destinations. Life on Earth is very short. Our purpose for being here is to prepare for the life that will begin after we die. This world is just a short classroom for the life to come, and if you want to successfully graduate to the next life, you better study the textbook (Bible), before taking the exam, otherwise you will regret it for eternity


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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