Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”. The Word sons in the above verse is translated from the Greek word "huios" and it means the adopted sons. Adoption in the spirit is different from how we know it in the natural, of course in the natural, it means to adopt somebody's biological child to become your own. But in the spirit, adoption means raising and training your child for authority and kingship. So the huios are those sons which God has raised and trained for authority.
The Bible categories God’s children in two groups, the first is mentioned in 1 John 3:2 which says “Beloved, now are we the sons of God”. The word for sons on this particular verse is translated from the Greek word “tekna” and it means children one gave birth to. So God gave birth to the teknas and trained the teknas to become the huios. When you get born again, the Bible says God gave birth to you, every Christian is born a tekna of God, but when that Christian starts to grow in the spirit, he becomes a huio.
Coming back to Romans 8:14, he said those who are led by the Spirit are the huios of God. According to this verse not every Christian is led by the Spirit, it is only huios that are led by the Spirit. The reason for this is because it takes training to know the voice of the Spirit. God speaks to the teknas, but they don’t understand or know his voice. When you become a huio in the spirit, it means you have known the ways of your heavenly Father and of the Holy Ghost. You cease to live for yourself, you do what he says to do, go where he says to go. You live only for his will, and you become a man of God, a man that is led and directed by his Spirit. You submit your will, your desires, your plans and pursuits to the Lordship of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit becomes you pilot, he becomes your driver, and your job is to obey. The Lordship of the Spirit will bring you into the perfect will of the Father. You will be in God’s place in God’s time, as you move, he will be moving with you, and his divine presence will outflow through you to the nations.