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The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit.

The word “God” is translated from the Hebrew word “Elohim” and this Word (Elohim) is plural, which means it refers to more than one person. The correct translation should be “Gods” not “God”, but I believe the translators wanted to put more emphasis on the unity of this God, they were trying to say these Gods are one God. Thank God, they translated it this way, otherwise we would have come out with the wrong understanding. The unity of the Godhead is also illustrated in Deuteronomy 6:4 which says; Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

Throughout the scriptures, God has revealed himself in 3 personalities, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The 3 personalities put together are called God, they work together at all times, they are united in purpose, in plans and in deeds. God the Father is the one who does all the planning, he is the one who decides what must be done both in heaven and earth, it is his will that must be done by all creation. God the Son (Jesus Christ) works according to the plan of the Father, he does not come with his own plans or methods, he does the will of the Father. So the Father plans, and hands his plans to Jesus, and the Jesus reads what is planned and executes accordingly. God the Holy Spirit brings to pass the work of Jesus Christ; he is the power that does the work of Jesus Christ.

For example, the Father planned the creation of the world and all creation, and Jesus who is also called the Word of God spoke it out into being and the Holy Spirit put the mountains, the soil, the seas in the places they are today, as the Son spoke. John 1:1;3 supports this, In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), the Word(Jesus) was with God and the Word(Jesus) was God, all things were made by him (Jesus) and without him was not anything made that was made. In John 16:13 Jesus talking about the Holy Spirit said; He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. So the Holy Spirit works according to the Word of Jesus Christ. The Father cannot do anything without Jesus, and Jesus cannot do anything without the Father, the Holy Spirit also cannot do anything without Jesus or the Father and vice versa. So much to say, but I will leave it here.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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