Human beings have two sets of eyes. The first, is our physical eyes with which we see the world around us. Located right behind the physical eyes are other eyes called spiritual eyes, these eyes are for seeing through. The spiritual eyes are for seeing into the spirit world. The spirit world co-exist with the physical world, both worlds are on right now as we speak and man is participating in both worlds, whether he knows it or ignorant of this makes no difference, his life is controlled in both worlds.
The spirit world governs the physical world, for anything to happen in the physical it must first happen in the spirit. It is important that you give your attention only to the spiritual things, because the physical things came from the spiritual things. Don’t be bothered by what you see in the physical, see with the eyes of your spirit and you will see the true nature behind every matter. Deal with everything spiritually.
In Colossians 1:9, Paul was praying for the church in colosse that they might be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. There’s such a thing as spiritual understanding; The Word “Understanding” as used in Colossians 1:9 is translated from the Greek word “sunesis” and it means a revelatory understanding. Jesus used many natural examples to explain spiritual truth, the focus of his teachings was not on the examples he used, but the spiritual meaning of those examples. At times he would say, “the Kingdom is like,” that is to say, this is how things work in the two worlds.