Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Notice the irony of this verse, first it says death comes by sin, and then eternal life by Jesus Christ.
The first part of the verse (the wages of sin is death) means that whenever man walks in sin, judgment concerning that sin is immediately handed upon his life in the realm of the spirit, and as a result, a portion of his days is subtracted from the years which he were suppose to live. Physically it might look like nothing happened to him, but spiritually death has begun its work. The more man sins is the more days he looses, if he were to die at 100 he might end up dying at 40, because of sin.
The second part of the verse which says, “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ”, is completely opposite to the first. This part is telling us that, the man who believes in Jesus Christ (born again) escapes judgment which comes by reason of sin, his days cannot be subtracted from him, even when he sinned. This is because anyone who accepts the Lordship of Jesus Christ over their life, has legally accepted that the blood of Christ has paid the penalty for all his past, present and future sins. The days which Satan should legally subtract from him, have been legally subtracted from Christ. John 1:19 says Christ is the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. Jesus was the sacrifice offered in our place, he received the wages of sin so that we could receive the wages of eternal life. Death has no power over the new man in Christ. However if man refuses this free gift which came by Jesus Christ, he has legally signed a spiritual contact that he will pay for his own sins with his own life.
Death does not come by chance, there are legal contracts that must be signed before the angel of death can execute his mission. If that angel does not have such contacts signed, he cannot kill anyone, it would be deemed illegal in the spiritual court. When you see a dead person, it was not because he died on the day that he died, rather spiritually his documents and contracts had already been handed over to Satan long ago. That man had unknowingly singed his life away. The angel only came to collect what was legally his, when he comes to collect, he can use a gun, car accident, plane crash, knife etc.