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Walk in the Visions of the Spirit

When you spend time in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, your spiritual sight becomes sensitive to the messages and signals communicated by beings in the higher realms of life. You will suddenly hear and see things in the realm of the spirit, you will know things before they happen, and you will be directed as to what steps to take in your life by the Lord himself. When you live like this, doing things that the Lord advised you to do, and closing your ears to what the people in the world are saying, it will not be longer before your life becomes a surprise to many. David said; I am as a wonder to many ( Psalm 71:7)- his life and success was a mystery to others. They couldn't understand how a shepherd boy from the infamous house of Jesse became a global figure overnight. God made him a wonder unto many because he walked in the visions of the Spirit.

The Bible says, to be carnal minded is death and to be spiritual minded is life and peace (Romans 8:6). The carnal mind is the mind which is led by the flesh or by human wisdom and knowledge, such a mind the Bible says leads to death. The spiritual mind is the mind that walks in the visions of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:15 says; the spiritual man evaluates everything and yet he himself cannot be evaluated by anyone. The reason he cannot be evaluate, is because his life is a mystery to them, they cannot understand where he comes from and where he is going. He moves like the wind, because the one leading him, himself is the wind. Let God make your life a surprise, refuse to be like the ordinary folks out there.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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