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The Lordship of the Word.

When you come into Christ the first thing he will do in your life, is to reveal the Kingdom of heaven to you through the Word. He will begin to teach you how things work with the Father, with the Holy Spirit and with himself. He will teach you about the spirit realm, and about the various spiritual laws of the kingdom, including the law of faith. He will teach you how to handle Satan and his little demons.

So the first thing the Lord will do in your life is to bring you under the Lordship of his Word. You learn that his Word is supreme over all things, and that the Word has the final say and authority over all things. Through the Lordship of the Word he helps you pull down strongholds on your mind, cast down imaginations and to bring into captivity every high thing that tries to exalt itself above the knowledge of God.

According to Acts 20:22, there are 2 things the Word of God must do in your life. First the Word must build you up, and secondly the Word must deliver your inheritance in Christ unto your hands. You must understand that when you get born again, it is your spirit that is born again, your soul (mind, will & intellect) remains the same. You can be born again and still have trouble with getting your mind off worldly desires. This is why he gave us his Word, to renew our minds with the Word so that our souls can be transformed unto the image of Christ. The spirit of man is saved the day he accepts Christ salvation but his soul must be saved by the Word. Your soul must be brought under the Lordship of the Word. The Word is a revelation of God’s good will for every man, when you study it, you discover his good will for your life. Of-course his will is threefold (good, acceptable & perfect), but he will first reveal his good will before revealing the other two. Lastly the Word must deliver your inheritance in Christ. This means as you learn that Word, faith to claim God’s promises for your life will be activated in you. In the Word you will discover that everything which God the Father owns has been delivered unto you in Christ. By faith you can lay hold of such promises and make them yours. BLESSED BE GOD……………….!


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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