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The Lordship of Love

God the Father created Angels to serve him, and man to love him. Not once has the Father sat down with Angel Michael or Gabriel and say; “I love you”, that is impossible because Angels don’t have souls, they cannot understand love. Yet he told us several times how much he loves us. Human beings are the only creatures that God can enjoy a fellowship of love with. The Bible says “God is love”, and because he is love, he longs to be loved, not forcefully but willfully. This is why he does not force himself on anyone, love that is forced is not love at all. Man must choose to love without being forced.

God the Father is so full of love that he was grieved at the hopeless condition of the sinner. Everything in him cries out to see creation restored, this is why he sent Jesus. The Father always longed for man to be brought back to him, so he sent Jesus to go call man back unto himself, and when man became stubborn, and refused to come, he sent the Holy Spirit to draw the heart of man to him. Jesus calls, the Holy Spirit convicts. Man lost the love fellowship which he had with God from the beginning, but instead of man going back to search for that love, God comes in Jesus looking for man. 1 Corinthians 1:13 says, love does not keep a record of wrongs. It takes love for the wronged guy to be the first to make peace with the one that wronged him.

When you walk in love, and do things because you are prompted by love or because you are following your heart, even if those things were said to be wrong, God overlooks them because you did what you did under the lordship of love. Love leads to the acceptable will of God, in other words he accepts what you did because it was done in love. Walking under the lordship of the Word will lead to the good will of God, but walking under the lordship of love leads to the acceptable will of the Father.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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