Ephesians 3:17-19 lets us know that there is a connection between walking in love and spiritual maturity. Verse 18 to 19 says, if we can comprehend the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of Christ’s love then we will be filled with the fullness of God. The Greek Word used for comprehend is “Katalambano” and it means to understand something and make it yours. In other words, the Spirit is saying Katalambano (understand) the love which Christ has for you and go and love others with the same amount of love. And when you do this, you will be filled with all the fullness of God.
The Word fullness is translated from the Greek Word “Pleroma” and it means maximum filling of everything that is required to make something complete. In other words, when you are filled with the fullness of God, you will have all his attributes, personality, perfections, beauty, and excellecies manifested in your life. People will look at you and see him, you will become his mouth, his hand and through you he will reach out to the world.
Real and authentic Christianity is displaying the virtues, excellecies and perfections of Christ to the world. All this can be achieved through walking in love the Bible says. Faith will give you victory over life’s circumstance, wisdom will make you excel in life but love will make you manifest God to the world. By love I mean being patient with others, considering the needs of others before your own, speaking well of everyone, being supportive and appreciative of others, honoring others more than you do yourself- basically it means to get rid of selfishness & become a servant of others. Jesus said the greatest commandment in all of God's Word is walking in love. When you walk in love, you can never think of yourself (selfishness), you will always be thinking of the other person (selflessness