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Our Love Walk with God the Father.

1 John 4:8 says, God is love. Notice it did not say he has love, but “he is love”, this means he is the source of love. All the love you could ever experience whether from your spouse, family or friends is only a piece of what God is. That beautiful experience of love that mankind experience from time to time, is experiencing a small piece of God. Can you imagine what it would be like to spend a day around God’s presence? A minute is his presence is far better than all riches of this world.

When God created Angels, he did not put in them the ability to love. If an Angel tried to love, it would be impossible, it would be like a dog that tried to talk like humans even when it does not have that ability. The devil cannot love, true he can give the world and its riches to some people, but all that, stems from him trying to peruse his evil goals through such people. Any gift that did not come from love is not a gift, as long as there is a selfish ambition from the giver, then he still owns what he gave you.

When Jesus put his life on the line to save mankind, Angels watched in amazement, they marveled at this thing called love, they so desired to partake of this awesome experience. How could God go that far to save mankind they thought. They wondered, that even God himself could not resist the power of love. Where there is love there is way, because love never fails. Hallelujah…….!


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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