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Dimensions of Love

Ephesians 3:17-19 shows us four dimensions of God’s love: “That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." Notice he says when you understand these four dimensions of love you will be filled with all the fullness of God. The Word "know" in the above verse is translated from the Greek Word "Ginosko" and it means revelation of experiential knowledge.

This means you must first experience this love for yourself, you must truly know the love of God through revelation or through experiencing it for yourself. The day it dawns on you that God loves you, I mean when you truly come to the understanding of that love for yourself, something in your life will change. You will no longer live to please human beings, you won't even care whether they love or hate you, because you will have discovered greater love.

1. Width.

The breadth of God’s love refers to the coverage of the Father’s love. How wide is it? Who does it include? God's matchless love was so broad that He included all men of all races, of all tribes, of all nationalities, of all colors, of all stations, of all levels, of all degrees, of all abilities and attainments. It envelops sorrow, loneliness, poverty, disappointment, tragedy, and sin of every kind. It is as boundless as space, as wide as the ocean, as limitless as the sky. Thus if you comprehend the magnitude and infinitude of that love, then you too can love everybody you meet genuinely.

2. Length.

The length of God’s love refers to the extent or limit of the Father’s love. How far did God go? what is his limit -- His love went such lengths that it could stop nowhere short of making the supreme gift, the priceless jewel of the heavenly firmament -- He gave His only Son. He went all out. He spared nothing. He provided no cheap sacrifice. His love was long enough to pluck His Son to reveal His love to poor lost man.

3. Depth.

The “depth” of God’s love refers to the intensity of His love. His love is so intense that,even when we didn’t want Him, He accepted us and eventually won us over! This should be your love-attitude; this should be the character of your love; you must love others passionately and intensely as God does.

4. Height.

The “height” of God’s love refers to the loftiness of the character of your love, beyond human weakness.It means walking in love at God’s high levels of excellence. It means letting your love rise above the criticisms of others! It means walking in high levels of God’s love that the bitterness of others can’t drown it. Your love ought to be so lofty that nothing of this world could make you condescend to the low levels of hate, backbiting and malice.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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