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Create Your thoughts

Thoughts are powerful; they can deliver to you a glorious life, or keep you in bondage. The Bible says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Where your mind goes your life will go. You’re the character of your thoughts.The Word of God is God's thoughts given to us through the scriptures. The reason he gave us the Bible was so that we could meditate on it until his thoughts become our thoughts. If you’d let the Word dominate your thinking, it’ll give you the right mindset of victory, success, and dominion, with visions of limitless possibilities.The extent of your vision is the boundary of your blessing. How far you can see with your mind, through the power of thoughts, is how much you will possess.

God's power is released or limited according to our thoughts, he can only do that much which is conceived in your thoughts. The more positive your thoughts are, the easier it is for his power to work in your life. Often times he said to Joshua "be encouraged" (Joshua 1). To be encouraged is to remain positive in the midst of adversity, this means God was able to deliver the promise land to Joshua and the children of Israel because Joshua remained positive at all times. Refuse to be discouraged or to allow negative thoughts roam around your mind. I will never be discouraged in my life, never.......!


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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