When somebody sets time aside specifically to be with you, it means they honor your presence, it means you are important to them, it means you come first. If someone gives you 50% of their attention or they don’t have time for you, it would be offending wouldn’t it be? God is a King, and when you come before him, he will expect you to honor his presence, to give him your full attention and to make him your number one. It can be offending to God if you try to have a human communion and a divine communion at the same time, he comes first and human beings second. You stop praying to answer your phone, how offending. He is God and we must show reverence to him and have a sacred time which is holy to him. God wants to be recognized, and honored, his presence can only become real when he is recognized. Jesus said; But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. (Matthew 6:6)
2 ways in which we commune with him:
1. Prayer and worship
Prayer is not something that should be done once in a while or when we get in trouble. It must be done daily; this is an investment that will outlive you. God does not work by himself in our lives, prayer is giving him something to work with concerning you. Daily Prayer is like storing up substance in the realm of the spirit which one day will become your withdrawal when you need it the most (Revelation 8:3). Do not run to God with problem, keep the problem away with daily prayer. In prayer God reveals things to us. We thank God for his goodness, we praise him for his greatness, we worship him because we are his people. Only family members can worship, anyone can praise and thank God. The voice of God is heard in worship; he will talk to you.
2. Quiet time in his presence
This is when you do not say anything to him, you sit quietly in his presence. David called this experience “Deep calleth unto deep” (Psalm 42:7), it is a communication of hearts. You sit quietly but your heart is talking to him, and his heart talking to you, it is a divine exchange of ideas, thoughts and desires. Your heart desires will cry out to his heart, and his heart desires to your heart. Deep calleth unto deep