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The Born Again Concept

God created all human beings, but he did not give birth to every human being. To be created by God means you are one of his creatures, to be born of him means you are his son or daughter. Jesus speaking to Nicodemus said; “……..Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). God is Spirit and he only gives birth to spirits, therefore anyone that is born of him, is reborn spiritually not physically. Your Mother and Father gave birth to the physically body you live in, but the man inside is a spirit being, and that man is the one who must be reborn or born again of the Spirit and the Word. Jesus is Son of God because he was conceived by the Spirit in the Womb of Mary. Biologically when a male sperm burrows into the female egg, it begins to fertilize the egg, and once that egg is fertilized, within 24 hours it starts developing into many cells which will become something called a baby.

Jesus was only conceived after the Angel of God released the Word of God into Mary, and that prophetic Word became the seed or the sperm to fertilize baby Jesus. The Holy Spirit did the impossible in the body of that young woman, he fertilized a human egg with the Word or God, and boooommmm a baby was conceived. 1 Peter 1:23 says, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever”. The word seed in this verse is translated from the Greek word “sperma” and it means sperm, this means when you are born again by the seed (sperm) or Word of God, the Holy Spirit did a miracle in you, by creating a brand new spirit man from that which your mother and birth give birth to. Physically you remain the child of your parents, but spiritually you are a son or daughter of God Almighty. Why is it important? You may Ask. Must I be born again? Yes, every human being MUST be born again, it is the only way to make the Kingdom of God, and to be disconnected from the Satanic kingdom. Secondly it is important because your life is eternal, meaning when you die physically, your spirit and soul will live on, either in heaven or in hell. The door to heaven is through Jesus Christ, and to be born again means believing in him and confessing him as the Lord of your life. I hope this clear:


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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