After Adam and Eve ate from the tree which they were commanded not to eat from, the first thing that happened, was a loss of spiritual sight and the activation of the sensory sight."And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked" (Genesis 3:7). Hitherto, they didn’t know they were naked, because they were seeing with different type of eyes. This is why God asked, "Who told you that you were naked?" the LORD God asked (Genesis 3:11). Who told you that you were broke, who told you that you were sick, who told to you that you were naked. Was is not your senses that lied to you, if you would stop looking or seeing with the senses, you would not see that you were naked.
Adam and Eve lost a spiritual sight, and fell lower to another type of sight, which was governed by the senses. When you walk by faith you cannot see that you are naked, because you only see what God see. you see things for what they are and not for what they appear to be. "for we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). Christianity is a calling to a life of gods, where we operate in a level unknown to the natural man, We rule and reign over situations and circumstances. Thus saith the Lord: "Come up hither, and see from the mountain, for I have called you to operate from the mountain top, as you see from the mountain, you will see what I see, and everything else will become small saith the Lord. I have given you the eyes to see the reality of My Word, these eyes are in your spirit, My Word is true saith the Lord, Walk in it and my glory will be made manifest in your life. Turn not to the right nor to the left, keep your focus on My Word, for therein lies My glory, your victory, prosperity and success. So saith the Spirit of God. "