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The Word and the Spirit:

The first verse of Genesis, introduces a character called God, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The second verse, introduces another character called the Spirit....“And the Spirit of God…..” (Genesis 1:2). The third verse introduces the third character called the Word, “And God said” (Genesis 1:3). Verse 3-26 of the same chapter lets know that, both the Spirit and Word were involved in the creation. The Spirit was introduced first, but he could not do anything to create the universe by himself, he waited for the Word to be introduced in verse 3, then creation began. God can do nothing without the Word and the Spirit. This is why faith in God requires that we believe his Word.

When Jesus came, the Word which God spoke became flesh in the person of Jesus. That same Word which created the world, became a human being. “And the Word was made flesh…..” (John 1:4). The Spirit who moved on the waters in Genesis 1:2, now changed addresses and began to dwell in Jesus. Both agents of creation dwelt bodily on the man Christ Jesus. This is why when Jesus needed something not once did he ask heaven to drop it down for him, rather he spoke the Word, and the Spirit brought his Word to pass. Today Jesus is in heaven, but the Holy Spirit who dwelt in him now dwells in the Christians, and the Word which became flesh in Jesus is now made flesh in us. As Jesus was born of the Spirit, so is the Christian born of the same Spirit, therefore when we want things done for us on the earth, we speak the Word and the Holy Spirit will create them for us. This means if I say light be, it becomes; money be, it becomes; demon go, he goes. Hallelujah.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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