The consciousness of your spirit man will determine how you respond to what happens around you. How you see what you see, the meaning and interpretation you give to what is happening around you, will be based on your state of consciousness. By consciousness I mean, sum total of all your beliefs, ideologies, values, tradition, behavior & understanding of life and things. Your consciousness comes from all the information you have allowed into your mind over the years, this information has made the you that you are. How you respond to life is based on the programming which you have built into your system over the years. God holds each one of us responsible for our lives, No one did anything to you, get it over your head and move on. You are responsible for you, period......!
When God deals with man, he seeks to work on the consciousness, rather than the outward man, because he knows that if he can change the inside, the outside will take the same shape. Anger, bitterness, stress, depression, fear, sadness, is nothing but a load of negative information stored in the human being. If you can reprogram yourself with the Word of God, joy, happiness, faith, love, peace, patience, perseverance, will become your new consciousness. This is why God gave us the Bible, so that with it we can build our minds and consciousness to be like his. God is always happy, he is never down, or discouraged. The Bible is the mind, wisdom & consciousness of God Almighty. if you get it into your system, you will walk as God.