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Life In the Spirit

1. Walk According to the Spirit (Rom 8:2-4).

The Old Testament tells us that “Enoch walked with God” (Gen 5:24)… “Noah walked with God” (Gen 6:9)…God told Abraham, “Walk blameless before Me” (Gen 17:1)… God told Solomon, “Walk in My ways… as your father David walked” (1 Kg 3:14)… The first thing the Holy Spirit did in the life of Jesus was to lead him, “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness”…..(Matthew 4:1). One of the Ministries of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to guide us into the perfect will of God for our lives. To walk according to the Spirit means to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your every decision. This means you must completely yield your will to his will.

2. Put to Death the Deeds of the Body by the Spirit (Rom 8:13).

The Second thing the Holy Spirit did in the life of Jesus, was to train him to overcome the flesh (Matthew 4:2). God categories and relates with his children in 3 different ways, the first is the babe (1 Corinthians 3:1), secondly is the carnal man (Romans 8:6), and lastly is the spiritual man (1 Corinthians 2:15). The Babe is a new born Christian who is not yet familiar with spiritual things, God is tender in dealing with this category. The carnal man is the Christian who has been around for donkey years, but still behaves the same way he did before he was born again. He still acts and functions like the world. The spiritual man is one who has come to maturity in the things of the Spirit. This man understands all things the Bibles says, and he is a mystery to others.

3. Pray in the Spirit (Rom 8:26-27)

There are two ways of praying in the Spirit. The first one is called prophetic prayer, the second one is called Praying in Tongues. Prophetic Prayer is when you pray the Word of God into your life and circumstances. You quote the scriptures when praying, you say what God has said, and personalize it for yourself. Secondly praying in tongues, the Bible says when you pray in tongues, you are uttering mysteries by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:2). The Holy Spirit knows what is behind the matter you are praying about, as you pray in tongues, he gives you the correct vocabulary to address the heart matter in the Spirit. You say what you should say by the Holy Spirit.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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